27 Feb 2013

toku pepeha


Ko Tuwatawata te maunga                                                                         
Ko Whirinaki te awa                                                                 
Ko Waikaremoana te moana                                             
Ko Tuhoe te iwi                                                                         
Ko Ngati Tawhaki te hapu                                                      
Ko Mataatua te waka                                                              
Ko te whatu o te kanohi te wharenui                          
Ko te tahi o te mahi te wharekai                                   
Ko Destiny toku ingoa.                                                       

1 comment:

  1. Hi Destiny. Well done publishing your pepeha. I removed your photo as it is not good cybersafety practice to put up your photo or youer full name.
    Perhaps you could explain what your pepeha means to readers from other countries.
